Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Before everything fell apart On Saturday, our wonderful neighbors graciously offered to watch the boys for a couple of hours so that Hubs and I could have a lunch date - and shop for a new dishwasher at the local Sears, courtesy of me opening my big fat mouth asking Ms. T if she was having problems with hers which I noticed just so happened to be the same one. (And yes, they had problems with theirs - shocked?  I think not.)

It took us 5 seconds to agree to the free babysitting, and I packed the boys PBJ's in their tiger lunchboxes for the long trip across the street.  It was so adorable to see them all bundled up with their cute little backpacks on, I just had to take a picture!  They are only two, but look like little gradeschoolers on their way to school!

Mom, seriously?  Do you really need a picture NOW?

Our dishwasher shopping was somewhat fruitless in that our landlord is going to be either fixing or replacing it (hooray) but in the meantime....I'm washing dishes.  And we're getting really cozy with disposable dining wear.  Not that it matters when everyone is sick, though.  So dishwasher is on hold for today.  Hopefully he'll be calling me soon...like any minute. Anyhow, we had a fine time eating in a restaurant in one of those booths built for two (they're so much smaller than I remember!) and chatting about NOT POTTY TRAINING.  (I'm beginning to think I have a serious potty mouth problem.  I almost wrote a post dedicated to all things potty but decided you need a break because, when asked this morning, "What goals or dreams do you have for your life?" at our Mom's Group Bible Study, I blurted, "You mean, beyond potty training?"  Yeah, I've got a problem.) And just like that, our date was over and we needed to retrieve them.

The boys had so much fun at Mr. L and Ms. T's that it took everything within us to get them dressed and come home. Our neighbors love the boys so much - it's such a blessing to have them in our lives.  They are the same ones who bailed us out the very next day when Hubs was near death.  (Okay, not really, but sort of.)  God bless them!

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