Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Few Good Things...

Since we moved to MI two weeks ago...
1. C seems to have outgrown the clogged left eye duct. I have not wiped a single eye goober. And learned how to crawl. And cut a tooth. Three more are on the way.
2. N keeps himself completely dry all day long. (Number two is another story but progress is progress). And stays in bed without a bed rail.
3. My stress level is Greatly reduced. Having my parents, my Sister, MIL, SIL and fiancé, BIL's all nearby and ready to's nearly indescribable. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can breathe again...and I'm already seeing glimpses of my old self, smiling and spontaneously hugging people and baking pie for crying out loud! Who is this girl and where has she been? (Okay, I do think I did those things before, but not quite so often and not so quickly.)
4. When we told M last night to go get his coat because the big boys were going to spend the night at Grandma's, M ran to N and exclaimed, "we're going to Grandma's, isn't that awesome?!" Yes, my three year old used the word awesome.
5. Hubs is still traveling, but leaves smiling now, no longer worried about me and the kids because we are well cared for in his absence.
6. Even the birds are more chirpy. I think I'm falling in love with Hubs all over again. Being here has already given us a bit of child-free time together. I think we are on the road to recovering from almost 4 years of 24/7/365 infant/toddler/preschool twins/infant again child care. All because he moved heaven and earth for me. Yeah, toss in Valentine's day and couple of upcoming weddings and I'm pretty schmoopy for him again;)

1 comment:

Pam Kelsey said...

That's more than just a FEW good things!!! It's ALL GOOD!!