Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

My boys are turning into chatterboxes!  Even N, who has let his brother do most of the talking until this week is getting in on the action!

N all dressed up for Mother's Day
N started talking this week!  Here are a few of the things he's saying:
  • "Silly Daddy," when Hubs told him he was a silly boy in the bathtub last night.  I'm so glad I got to hear it!
  • He counts the stairs as we go down together (there are 17 from the deck to the backyard) and it's so funny to hear which numbers come out!  "One, two, five, nine," One of these days, he'll call, "Hike!"
  • "Baseball shirt," he said when I was dressing him one day after I said, "Let's put on your baseball shirt,"  
  • "Jesus and Bibo" N LOVES his children's Bible and is often found reading it quietly in his bedroom.  All of the illustrated  characters look the same(with different hair colors!), so every page has a picture of Jesus on it.  There's no convincing him that that's Noah or Daniel or anyone else - they are ALL Jesus!
  • "Door open!" it's the magic word to get the garage door to open when we return from our walks and key in the code. But today, he decided to open the interior garage door while I was putting on his brother's shoes.  "Door open!" and he turned the handle!

M is a REAL chatterbox!  He's been speaking in complete sentences for weeks now and he talks NONSTOP.  I actually told him to be quiet last night so I could hear what Hubs was trying to tell me when he came home!
  • "Bee is coming," because one of our neighbors has a plastic bee in her flower garden.  It's so small we didn't even notice it the first time, but now when we turn that direction on our walks, we hear "Bee is coming, bee is coming, bee is coming, bee is coming...." until we get there. 
  • "Big semi-truck!" every time we see one.
  • "Two busses!" We often see busses when we drive to church on Tuesday mornings, so we count them together.
  • "Silly Daddy...Mommy...Brudder..." or whomever!  I didn't notice that I said this often, but apparently, I do!
  • "Mommy (or Daddy) drive the car." "Get the keys!" I buckle them into their seats and then run inside to collect our gear (can't do it all at once) and tell them I'm going to get the keys.
  • "Moomie?" when he wants a DVD movie played in the van. N calls it a "mee-moo!"
  • "Yes, Jesus loves me," he sings when we sing "Jesus loves me" at bedtime.  Amazingly, he's right on key - something he learned from his father, not me!  Then, "Again?" We wind up singing it several times.

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