Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweet Insantiy of Toddlerhood

The prisoners are back in their bedtime cells (cribs) and we've not had any more escape attempts.  I am not so naive as to think that this was a one time only incident and am prepared to convert the cribs to toddler beds soon.  I need my honey and some time to make the conversion happen, neither of which I'll have until next week.  So I'm holding my breath and hoping for the best. 

I've been a stay at home mom for two years and haven't even thought about my teaching license the entire time, but this week I participated in SORLA, a professional-development program for educators.  In Minnesota we need 125 professional hours every 5 years to renew our licenses, so you can guess I'm a little behind!  (I earned just 12 this week.)  It was so nice to spend three mornings back in the classroom having real conversation with professional adults about education!  Most days I don't miss the classroom, but after the harrowing sleeplessness and teething pervading our household, and having spent a few hours at school this week, I know that there is a part of me that does miss it.  It reminds me of that Bon Jovi song, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone...."

SORLA reminded me, of all things, that I am proud to be a teacher.  Right now my days are filled with cozy coupes, gummy vitamins, liquid ibuprofen, singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," and bathing, dressing, and feeding mac and cheese to two very squirmy and active little boys.  I'm always exhausted, always covered in sand, chalk, snot, or lunch, wearing my uniform of jeans and t-shirt topped with a ponytail, thinking, this is never going to end! 

I try to enjoy it because today I can see the truth: it WILL end, it is already ending, and little boyhood will soon come to a bittersweet end.  I can see it now: my two little fellas boarding the school bus with their superhero backpacks and me backing down the driveway with a coiffed 'do, stylish slacks and shiny flats, all of us on our way to school.  And all the way there, I'll be remembering the sweet insanity of toddlerhood. 


The Alexanders said...

I have to go back in September and I am NOT looking forward to it at all!!! I refuse to even think about it until at least August!

Cuz I'm the mama! said...

I can't tell you how much I relate to this post. Unreal. I have been home for 2 years also and am a high school guidance counselor in Minnesota! I have the exact same feelings you do on a daily basis. But in the end I try to tell myself it will be gone way too soon.