Friday, July 1, 2011

Hot Stuff

I bought some new makeup on Tuesday, inspired by my sister-in-law who spends a LOT more time on her eye makeup than I do, but whose makeup I borrowed on Monday because I had none (remember, our bags flew to MSP but we flew to MBS?).  Since Hubs was home and entertaining the kids this morning, I put on my new makeup so I looked kind of like this, just about 9 years older and 9 (or more) pounds heavier:
Auntie L's pretty eye makeup
When I went to get dressed, I realized that all my capris were in the dirty clothes basket because nothing can be worn a second day if I've been with my kids!  Today's high is expected to be 94, very hot for our area.  My skirt options stunk: a white linen or a long denim.  The boys and I were headed to a farm for a playdate.  Hm...what about a sundress?  So I slid on this little number, the one I wore for the birthday bash:
My mom's vintage dress
She might take offense at my calling it vintage, but just so you know, mom, people are paying lots of money to buy dresses like this at vintage clothing shops!  I've never been so "dressed up" to go to a playdate, but I knew I would be miserable squeezing into a pair of jeans today, so I went like this...well, you can just imagine how fab I looked...and had a great time!  I sipped icewater on the shady farmhouse porch and watched 3 two year old boys slide down the yellow swingset slide into a kiddie pool a the bottom.  (Okay, M did it once and HATED it so he sat in the cozy coupe most of the morning.)  We all stayed cool. 

I'm not sure if it was my being all dressed up, the boys behaving (gasp!  maybe THAT'S it!) or the fabulous hostess who baked her own bread for our lunch, but it was the best morning I've had with the guys in a while.  Maybe I'll wear this dress all summer. 


Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

You look awesome and should definitely wear that dress every day for the rest of the summer!

Pam Kelsey said...

I'm glad you like it! I still do! To tell the truth...I bought that dress to go disco dancing one weekend, if I remember right! :)