Everywhere I go with the boys, I'm treated a bit like a rock star.
Are they twins? Wow.......
You nursed them for how long?
How do you do it?
I couldn't even imagine having two!
Everywhere, that is, except MVMOM, my multiples' club. There, I'm no one special. I have "only" my twins, no additional singletons, no multiple sets of multiples, no special needs - in fact, I have it easy compared to my colleagues!
On Saturday, I worked our bi-annual Used Clothing and Equipment Sale, our humongous fundraiser where we all sell our stuff and buy "new" stuff from each other. It's open to the public, too, so you should check it out next spring. It's fun and furious!
The women who are part of the club are supermoms. Seriously, I don't know how THEY do it! For example, the woman who cashiered to my right for three hours has two sets of identical twin girls (5 and 2). She's incredible. Our vice-president, who worked behind me all morning, has quintuplet boys, three of whom have special needs (age 7). One of our members, whom I'd never met and checked out at my cashier station, has five sons - one singleton and two sets of twins! Her youngest are two, and when she noticed my nametag (for it displays your childrens' names and birth years) also had two year old boys, she asked, "Are yours crazy?"
"They're very very busy!" (I try not to use the word crazy because I don't want it to stick - or for them to get any ideas!)
"Mine were eating my organic raw eggs out the fridge the other day!" she exclaimed.
Gulp, maybe mine aren't crazy. "Mine got into the fridge, too - they ate a bunch of grapes."
Grapes? That's the best you could come up with?
At the end of our shift, my cashiering neighbor and I were in the breakroom, and she was discussing the delicate situation that I hope never to be in - announcing your second twin pregnancy to your families - with yet ANOTHER multiple multiples mom! Both women expressed disappointment when their families were less than enthusiastic.
I also had the privilege of chatting with a new twin-mom-to-be, a pregnant member I met this summer. She was just 8 weeks along and had learned three days before we met that she was expecting twins. I was able to share with her what an incredible club I belonged to and she joined! I'm so happy to have a connection with her - and very excited that she'll share in the joys of boys with me. Now she's 20 weeks along with her guys and doing well.
Needless to say, every time I gather with these mighty women, I am humbled and awed by their strength and fortitude. And reminded that I am NOT a rock star, I'm just a regular MOM.