Thursday, November 10, 2011

Crafty Mama

It's cold here - as in, there was snow on the grass this morning!  I knew it was coming - we live in Minnesota, after all, so I've been working on crochet stocking caps for the boys this fall.  And they love them!  Here they are playing in the backyard yesterday afternoon.  Look at that cheesy smile on M! He used to be my serious one, now he's competing for biggest ham.  But I know he's not, since they figured out how to weigh themselves on my scale this morning.  N's got 3.5 lbs on him, as you can see.
And that teeter totter?  They FINALLY figured out how to play on it by themselves - yesterday.  Maybe I'll bring it inside. 

1 comment:

camaulds said...

I miss the fun bunch so much! They look so happy!