Friday, February 18, 2011

Grocery Getters

Had I known our trip to Cub would result in a blog post, I'd have taken my camera, too, but this is from October, when N's hair was just beginning to come in!  I had to show you the adorable cart that we use at the store - the guys love it!

So we started in the produce section, where Mr. Apple, as we called him, informed us that kids get a free apple every time they come in.  I knew about the cookies, but the apple...maybe they would eat them here?  They're not always crazy about them at home, even though they ask all the time.  I could always fall back on the cookie.  I took a bite out of each one to get them started.

About 15 mintues into the trip, both boys are behaving well and N is going to town on his apple.  What brand is that garlic bread coupon? I wonder....and reach for my coupons.  EGADS!  The coupon file is in the van!  This is not 55 cents here, people.  No, my coupons today were going to total $20.69, so I had to go back out and get them.

The Customer Service lady volunteered to babysit, but I declined, even though I've been shopping there for years and really like the people.  So I left my groceries with her, loaded the guys into their coats and an empty cart, which M loved because he tried to surf in the back while I repeated, "Sit down on your bottom," the whole time I was trying to hurry - because it's cold and windy again here - but not run - because M is squatting in the back of the cart while N struggles to keep holding on to his apple during the entire exchange.  I'm guessing this is where M lost his because it was never seen again.

Back in, back to shopping.  N is still mowing the apple, M is repeating, "Ap-po? Ap-po?" like, Where's my apple?  or Is that an apple?  Why are we buying so many apples?  Because everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING is either an apple or a cookie to him.  But I did get him to say "avacado" when I put one in the cart.

The rest of the trip went without a hitch.  I've been avoiding grocery shopping with them at all costs just because...well, it's a hassle.  But once you're actually in the store,strapped into the cart, apples in hands, it's not so bad.  And I like it when people say, "Twins?  They're so cute!" I reply, "Yes, they're good boys, " because I want them to hear me say it over and over again. 

As I identify each item for them AGAIN while I'm unloading the cart, I noticed N push the last chunk of apple in his mouth.  His sweatshirt is soaked with apple juice and he's giving me his humongous smile.

He just ate the ENTIRE apple...core and all.

1 comment:

Pam Kelsey said...

There wasn't anythinhg free when you kids were growing up. I always had to pay for an emptu box of animal crackers at the register!