Thursday, October 7, 2010

"If you throw food one more time..."

I've been working all morning on uploading a video, but alas, I give up again.  I really don't know how to do it!  Now that Hubs has an i4 (is that what you call it?), I thought it would be easier to upload, convert files, whatever you call it when you try to put a video on your blog, but apparently I need a video blog lesson. *Sigh*  Either way, by the time I get it figured out, the video will be so old that the cute thing they're doing (climbing down the stairs on their bellies and giggling all the way) will be old hat. That was two weeks ago, and truth be told, it already is.  Now they're trying to walk down the stairs feet first!

So I'm settling for the two pics I took yesterday, which are cute funny food pics, and a confession in the middle.

Here we are yesterday mowing down on chicken nuggets and mac and cheese at E's house.  This is only half the story!  There was another set of two-year-old boys and an 18 month old boy there, too!  Amazingly, lunch was quiet while all 7 boys ate.  I must say I'm proud of my boys for NOT throwing food on E's floor.  They've learned their lesson.  

This is where I have to confess: I'd had it.  Really, really, had it with the grinning, snickering, "I'm gonna throw this food on the floor" game they (M) were playing.  "If you throw food one more time, I'm going to have to vacuum.  That's what happens when the floor gets messy," I said, removing the vacuum from the closet.  M did it again, N following, because they are like lemurs.  So I vacuumed. 

Not the vacuum!

And it worked.  Since yesterday morning, only a pea and one Kix have hit the floor.  They're so happy with our new arrangement (throw food and Mom vacuums), they've discovered a new and different way to be messy.  Okay, let's be honest, M has discovered a new and different way to be messy.  N was clean (he's serious about food most of the time: put it where it belongs!).  But this is what M did with a small handful of Lucky Charms and vanilla pudding that I was feeding him (not himself!)
See the blue and yellow marshmallow smear?  They're magically delicious!


Pam Kelsey said...

Just wait, the "You will go to bed hungary", will come out of you sooner or later!

The Alexanders said...

hahaha! My boys still LOVE LOVE LOVE the vacuum...if I were to get it out while they were eating they would try and get out of their chairs to get to it! The good news is when they get it they use it to clean up!