Thursday, October 14, 2010

How I Survived One of THOSE Days

1. I sent the very last check for my school loans.  Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, and Thank You, Jesus!  What a relief that's over.  Especially since that money really should go straight to a savings account for our children's  college education.  

2. I was at my wit's end with the fellas.  I don't want to bore you with the details, but it was 3:00 and I knew I had to get out of here the boys and I were going to survive this day.  So I loaded them up, not sure where I was going except to the gas station because Vanna was on E-E-E and in desperate need of a wash.  I knew that would give me enough time to think of something.  Something that would help me and the boys out of the crazies we were in this afternoon.  I called up a fellow stay-at-home mom who's the sweetest woman in the world (seriously! she's always asking how she can help me) and I knew today was the day she'd been waiting for: HELP!  Of course, she said, come on over!  The boys and I drove through McDonald's and I tried to make it a teaching moment: we're going over to Miss B's house to bless her and her daughter with a meal.  Which is true and far more positive than: we're going to Miss B's house to distract all three of us from each other because I'm going crazy today!  The five of us had some fine dining with cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets and a whole room full of "new" toys and a friend.  It was so refreshing and wonderful to know that God has put some wonderful women in my life who are true and loving even on my ugly days. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  The boys are in bed and I lived to tell because of you.


Pam Kelsey said...

Good job, Kim! If it weren't for our friends, us moms couldn't survive! God's mercies are new every morning...

Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

I remember those days....good job getting through it!