Thursday, January 12, 2012

Round One: Mannekin Pis!

There is a statue in Frankfurt Germany of Mannekin Pis, the little boy who saved the town from a ravaging fire by peeing on it. I know because I've seen it with my own eyes.

And re-lived it this morning. N stood up next to his brother, who was innocently sitting on his potty chair playing a game on Daddy's iPhone, when WHIZZZ! He sprayed all over his brother!!

M was surprised, so was N, but no crying ensued, likely because M was so absorbed in the game! Daddy cleaned u M while I got N back on the chair to finish the job.

We count round one as a success: 5 hits for N, 4for M. Both passed out for naps and now I am, too. I've got to go disinfect my bathroom and switch out some toys so we can spend the afternoon there. Daddy's on his way to get potty time Elmo and some more smoothie ingredients. We are already exhausted, but getting a lot of participation and smiles from the boys. I think the Operation Potty Training Lock In is going well so far!


Pam Kelsey said...

I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cuz I'm the mama! said...

Wow! I am impressed! I am totally doing this whole thing wrong. So far I have not done like a marathon potty training ordeal. I'm just letting them use it when they feel like it -- and Ms. K is totally getting it while Ms. R is not interested. I am VERY curious to see how it all pans out. I think my problem is I am just too lazy to lock myself in the bathroom Seems like so much work and I can't believe your boys are staying in there. My girls would have a fit. Keep us posted!